segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2013

O Poeta Tímido

Fernando Pessoa e os seus heterónimos,
em pregadeira,
para poder andar ao peito,
com a liberdade de um cravo
e a (e)terna imensidão de uma rosa de Santa Teresinha.

Os seus heterónimos ainda não estarão todos descobertos.
O meu preferido é Maria José,
o único heterónimo feminino
do qual, até à data, se tem conhecimento.

Esta pregadeira materializa parte das emoções que Pessoa me suscita.
Talvez a substância se auto-explique
: a pintura na base da medalha de bronze é da autoria de Almada Negreiros;
em seu redor, na "Porcelana Rusa Blanca", encontramos Quartzo Rosa, Jaspe, Citrino,
Olho-de-tigre, Coral, Hematite e pequenos búzios da "minha" praia...

Fernando Pessoa is a Portuguese poet, 
(born on the 13th July 1888, never to die).
His message is still present in our everyday's life, even in small sentences such as

In Portuguese, however, it rhymes... See? 
: "Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena
Se a alma não é pequena." 

Maybe you could learn Portuguese in order to reach our message even deeper...

Pessoa (meaning Person) believed in the power of the Word and that redemption for Portugal is possible.
According to him, Portugal's message for the World is Peace; and this is a message that cannot be lost.
It is just a matter of Time... Time being Now.


Oh salty sea, so much of your salt
Is tears of Portugal!
Because we crossed you, so many mothers wept,
So many sons prayed in vain!
So many brides remained unmarried
That you might be ours, oh sea!

Was it worthwhile? All is worthwhile
When the spirit is not small.
He who wants to go beyond the Cape
Has to go beyond pain.
God to the sea peril and abyss has given
But it was in it that He mirrored heaven.

By Fernando Pessoa
(translator unknown)

Obrigada! Bem-haja... 

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